Hey loves!
I know it's been awhile but I severely needed a break I was, to say the least depleted of all creative mojo and honestly...I wanted a bit of a different look with my avatar. As much as I love (and kind of already miss) my usual look it was beginning to bore me and make me less inclined to dress up.
I wanted a tone a little closer to mine so I swung over to Pink Fuel and fell in lust with the look of Sabine and when I demoed I was originally going to get Hazel (which is utter yumsauce) but I ended up being a derp and buying Latte which is still a beautiful tone so I'm not even mad. I'm still tweaking my shape of course but so far? I'm absolutely loving the direction of this new look. I know I haven't been super talkative on blogposts lately but stay tuned I'll have a bit more pep in my step soon enough! Mwahs & Happy Shopping!
Love Always