05 September 2012

HOLY HAIR! | Alice Project Electix

Hey Fashion Heads!

Remember I promised to further explain the Alice Project Hair?  Well Herrrrre we go! Basically now they offer color packs for their new hair series "Infinity" even the old hair is migrated over so if you own an older hair you want more options for its 250L and a one time buy hud and you have soooo many hair colors to choose from plus you can mix and match and make your own unique look. I bought the Electix Color Hud and it was definitely the right one for me. Get ready for tons of pictures...

And let the pictures BEGIN!

Color A

Color B

Duo Black

Duo White


Tada! That's 85 colors for a one time price of 500L! You can use it on ALL infinity hair not to mention the mixing and matching you can do with streaks and bang colors and sections of hair! If you're a hair junkie like me at least demo it! Go HERE

Love Always

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