Hey Loves!
Sorry I've been away so long! It's not like me at all. Between heat, computer issues, and RL-ness its been hard for me to show you all the sexiness in SL!
Today's title is about well...you hear at a young age you are looking for "Prince Charming" but you know...not everyone wants prince charming. If you aren't looking for that you are kissing the wrong frogs. I personally want "Prince laughs at my dorkiness" I want "Prince games with me" and "Prince likes me for not being a princess but still makes me feel like one" I want a real Prince. A prince that is a prince by character not by birthright. You know what I want my prince to be like...Aladdin...he earned it he wasn't given it. It makes sense if you think about it. Kissing frogs is a lot less creepy if you know what type of frogs to pick up.
ANYWHO...I know you totally came here for the clothing right? RIGHT! Keep on reading! Lots of newness for you! If you are busy kissing frogs there are credits below just for you.